WARNING! The producers of this blog feel a moral obligation to warn you that it will shock you as no other Bava Book Update posting ever has! Because it could be very shocking to young and impressionable minds, today's installment is restricted only to those over 14 years of age!
Aiiiiieee! Timothy Campbell of West Yorkshire rises from unconsecrated Moldavian ground! As Charlie Largent, designer of the Mask of Satan cover embossing, noted upon seeing this, "Glad he took the dust jacket off before he drug it into the grave!" Hey, it makes the picture!
I suspect that
Douglas Roy of Bennington, Vermont had a similar idea in mind when he submitted this photo in black-and-white.

Douglas also sent this color shot of himself and his new acquisition, in acknowledgement of the Maestro's equal mastery of monochrome and polychrome. And speaking of polychrome...

Finally, we have all the colors of Trieste's
Marco Bellini! That is the original Italian
due-foglia for BLOOD AND BLACK LACE framed behind him. I have the poster (it's on page 548 of MARIO BAVA ALL THE COLORS OF THE DARK... in full color obviously), but I truly envy Marco for having the wall space to display it!
Great work, everyone! We would love to see more.
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